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Rich Media

Rivers Casino: 5th Anniversary
Interactive display. When the user taps or clicks "Blow Out The Candles," the candle flames waver and blow out. While wisps of smoke drift upwards, text telling the user to celebrate the casino's 5th Anniversary fills the ad while confetti falls and balloons rise in the background.

Rivers Casino: Roll of the Dice
Interactive display. Two buttons are displayed; "Learn More" takes the user to the client's website. But when the user chooses "Click to Roll," dice are shown rolling across the table while the text encourages you to get in on the action. The dice land and confetti falls.

Donatos Animated Ads

Donatos Carousel
300x250 display ad with self-rotating carousel, showcasing the items on their "Better for You" menu.

PEAK Products
Display ads with multiple animations showing different products. Customized for the seasons.
View Individual Sizes:
300x250 Winter | 300x600 Winter | 320x50 Fall | 300x600 Fall
View Individual Sizes:
300x250 Winter | 300x600 Winter | 320x50 Fall | 300x600 Fall

Cox Communications Video
300x250 video display. Plays automatically, muted. User can click "Learn More" button to continue to client website.
View Video Ad
View Video Ad

San Diego County Credit Union
Responsive expandable banner. When the 320x50 is tapped, the ad takes over the screen. A short video automatically plays; the user has the option to go to the client's website.
Watch Ad
Watch Ad

Sycuan Casino Countdown Clock